My Orbital Path

My Orbital Path

Some items floating along in my own orbital path.

And other insights.


George S. Green, B.A. Geol.

(© 2021 George S. Green)


Sequestering Carbon Dioxide Could Kill 40 Million Trees.

Is it really a good idea to build a facility to sequester carbon dioxide in some manner and (presumably) use it to make concrete? Is it a good idea to take this CO2 out of the atmosphere? What would happen if you sequester as much carbon dioxide as would 40 million trees? Has anyone filed an environmental impact statement to this effect? Why not just let the trees do it? Is this really a good idea?

What is going to happen when you deny nourishment to 40 million trees? To deprive these trees of the nourishment that they depend upon to grow. Are you likely to stunt their growth? Should the forest industry be happy about this?

This is not a good thing for trees; and it is not a good thing for we humans who depend upon those trees for our oxygen. You see, trees take in carbon dioxide and turn the carbon into wood, which people use to build houses; but trees also produce oxygen from carbon dioxide, which they release through their leaves into the atmosphere, so we humans can have oxygen to breathe. Taking CO2 out of the air also means taking oxygen out of the air as well.

If you take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere to make cement and build concrete buildings with it, you will be making a structure that sits in the Sun and absorbs heat. When the planet spins this structure into the night, that heat radiates back into the atmosphere and warms the planet. This happens every 24 hours. Eventually, the planet heats up anyway, regardless of what you think are doing by sequestering carbon dioxide and making concrete out of it.

Oxygen makes up 21% of the atmospheric gases. Nitrogen makes up 78%. That is 99% of the atmospheric gases. Carbon Dioxide makes up .03%.

Carbon dioxide gas is heavier than air! It does not rise up into the atmosphere to form a blanket around the planet, absorb heat and then contribute to global warming. Carbon dioxide, when it is caught up by the wind will bond with water vapor, and it is this combination that will hold heat. This mixture also forms carbonic acid, and this, very weak acid will come out of the atmosphere when it rains. This will help the process of decay that happens on the forest floor; and this in turn, will help to nourish the forest eco-system. Taking CO2 out of the air could very well kill trees and adversly affect the eco-system.

At 25 degrees C, Oxygen weighs 1.31 grams per liter. Nitrogen weighs 1.15 grams per liter. Carbon dioxide weighs 1.80 grams per liter. See; Chemistry by Jay A Young, Prof. of Chemistry; Kings College; Wilkes-Berry, Penn. Page; 81.

There are volcanic islands in the Pacific Ocean where there are actual lakes of carbon dioxide gas. Animals crawl into these shallow lakes and suffocate. Carbon dioxide is essential to growing healthy, strong trees. Carbonic acid nourishes the forest floor and helps trees to grow. So, here is what you should do to keep an eye on such projects.

Take some pictures from space and note the green-ness of the plant life around any community where these kinds of facilities are being built. Then watch over the next several years as these facilities draw out more and more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and see what happens to the plant life around these places. Will there be greener plant life or not?

And then there is this; if you can make a device to take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, then you can also use that device to take carbon dioxide out of the exhaust gasses expelled by a coal fired power plant!


Global Warming is Real.

Yes. That's right. It is caused by the Sun. Climate is the product of geography not carbon in the atmosphere. The designation of a particular geographic region as having a particular 'climate' is determined by two open-ended measurements occurring over time; temperature and precipitation. It can therefore always get hotter at one end and wetter at the other end without "changing" the climate. The time frame for this can be several years, or even as much as a hundred years or more. This definition of "climate" begins with geography, not carbon in the atmosphere. Carbon in the atmosphere is called pollution and it contributes to global warming.

See, Introduction to Physical Geography by Arthur N. Strahler; Professor of Geomorphology, Columbia University; publisher John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 1965.

In the 1950's, when they finished working on the hydrogen bomb, Edward Teller and his associates said that they would turn their attention to studying The Nuclear Physics of Sun. After doing their research, they reported that; by the year 2000 the Sun will be brighter and the Earth will be hotter. This prompted Teller to propose a program for the high altitude spraying of reflective dust in the upper atmosphere to try and cool the planet. These people were the greatest minds in nuclear physics, perhaps we should listen to what they determined was going to happen with the Sun before we rush off and get caught up in issues wrongly attributed as being issues of "climate change caused by man". It is really, all about the Sun! And it may be necessary some day soon to build a Sun Shade between the Earth and the Sun to dim the brightness down a bit.

Teller's research was completed in the late 1950's or early 1960's, and it made its way into the media of the day so it would be remembered by those who read it. That work was published in the American Bulletin of Atomic Scientists. You might want to look it up. And we also know that planet Earth wobbles on its axis. This will affect the weather, as well as cause a shift in the way our seasons follow one another. Has there been any indication of this happening lately? Read on!


Sun Not in the Right Place!

A few months back, near October of 2020, Vancouver radio talk show host Charles Adler was on the phone with a native news reporter in Inuvik, Northwest Territories. He asked the reporter to tell him what the native elders were saying about climate change. The reporter replied that, the elders were not talking about climate change, they are talking about the Sun and wondering why it was not setting in the right location on the horizon. Mr. Adler missed the importance of this reply.

Who else would see this first but the native peoples who live in the one area of the world where this event would show up. For centuries native peoples living close to the Arctic Circle have relied upon the Sun, stars and points of geography on the horizon to navigate their way around the Arctic Tundra and get safely back to home. And now, one of those navigation elements is not functioning as it has for hundreds of years. The Sun is not setting in the right location on the horizon. So, what is going on?

Well the answer could be that the Earth is wobbling on its axis! Maybe it has something to do with the 'Chandler Wobble'. Look it up. Is this why the Sun is no longer setting in the right place on the horizon? When this or something like it becomes more pronounced, the planet may do a little 'pirouette' along this path, so that the Sun may even appear to be moving backwards in the sky. Moreover, the Polar Vortex may push even further south than it did in Texas over this past 2020 winter. Our seasons may even begin to move forward to a different location on our calendar. British Columbia might see another 'heat dome' event later in the year than the last one. For years now we have been dealing with a wandering magnetic pole; and now, as well, a planet wobbling on its rotational axis! Wow! What next?

An update to the above: It is now August of 2023 and there are fires all over B.C. and the Yukon as the planet dips deeper into the angle of the Sun. We need more water bombers like the Martin Mars and the Quebec water bombers. Better to have them and not need them, than to need them and not have them!


The Sun's Been Getting Brighter!

Have you noticed how nuch brighter the Sun has gotten since the 1960's? Teller was right. Are you even old enough to have noticed any of this?

The Sun's color in the 1960's was bright yellow. I'll bet it was bright yellow in 1850 too. People tend discount the impact of the Sun upon the Earth. During the time of the Roman Empire (44 BC) the Sun's color turned dark red for a year as a cloud of interstellar dust passed between the Sun and the Earth; prompting a period of intense global cooling. It caused a great deal of difficulty for the Empire with lost crops and poor harvests. Today the Sun is super bright white; and it feels a lot hotter too. Talk to the people who work in the Sun. They will tell you that it is a lot brighter and a lot hotter.

See; The Max Planck Institute Study; "The Sun is More Active Now Than Over The Last 8,000 Years." Nature Magazine, October 28, 2004.

Did you see the huge solar flaire that happened on Feb.21/22? If that had hit the Earth it would have fried all electronic equiptment on the planet presenting humanity with an instant return to the Dark Ages. Do you still want to make everything run on electricity?

May 10, 2024 and the Earth gets hit by a large solar flare. And then it gets hit AGAIN with FIVE more solar flares. Better pay attention to what is happening with the Sun. It melted a mile thick sheet of ice off of North America. There is very little ice left to cool the planet. We might need a space based Sun Shade. But what would a solar flare do to a space based Sun Shade?


"I have an electric car. I am off of oil and gas."

Well, sort of, but not quite. Actually, you can not even build an electric car without the involvement of the oil and gas industries. Think about it; there is the grease in the wheel bearings, the foam in the seats, the plastic instrument panel, the plastic tail light covers, the paint on the car, the poly vinal insulation on the wiring, the tires, and the carbon fiber battery case that holds the batteries. All those products come from the oil and gas industries; and there are probably some parts of the motor that require time in a coal fired kiln to fabricate. But go ahead and buy an electric car if you can afford one. They do help keep the air cleaner in the city and they are not as noisy as other modes of transportation.


Does your EVcar float?

What is going to happen when your electric car ends up in a flood? Remember New Jersey in late August of 2021? Cars floating around in the flood waters! What is going to happen to your EV's battery then? Will you be Zapped!! Will anyone approaching the car get Zapped? What about the tow truck operator; might he get zapped? Maybe you should buy flood damage insurance for you and your EV car? And what happens to all those recycled batteries? At least with an internal combustion engine, all you have to do is drain the oil and water out, then dry out the engine and refill everything with oil and gas, and off you go. What happens to an EV car that gets caught up in a flood? And why arn't they coated in something that acts like a solar cell; so that when the car sits in the Sun this body covering (solar cell) will collect solar energy and charge the car battery? Why don't EV cars have solar panels recessed into their roofs so that when they sit in the Sun their batteries get charged. Wouldn't this reduce the load on the grid?



So, now it seems, we have the Sun not setting in the right location on the horizon at the Arctic Circle. The one place on the planet where the effect of the Earth wobbling on its axis would actually be observable by a trained eye. But, is anyone listening?

The effect of such wobbling, would be to cause the northern hemisphere to dip deeper into the angle of the Sun and cause the heat zone that is normally present in Washington and Oregon in the summer, to be moved northward into southern British Columbia. This does not seem to be the result of climate change caused by man.

The Earth appears to be wobbling on its axis. And in the winter this kind of event would cause the planet to lean away from the Sun just a little bit further. And this then, would cause the rain that normally hits British Columbia in the winter to move south into Washington, Oregon and California. It may also cause the Jet Stream to track ever southward and help create the moisture laden atmospheric river that is pumping storm after storm into the western United States.

Update to the above; Feb. 5 2024 and California is getting hit with lots and lots of rain.


Sea Level Rising

While it might seem like sea level should rise from the melting of the glaciers, how do you know that it wasn't the land that sunk? Furthermore, did you know that the Atlantic Ocean Basin has been getting bigger! That is right, it's been getting bigger due to expansion along the Mid Atlantic Ridge. The continents of Africa and South America are moving apart from one another at a rate of 2 to 2.5 centimeters per year. The Atlantic Ocean Basin is getting bigger and thereby able to absorb lots of the water from the melting glaciers. That's about 129.9 billion cubic feet of new space per year.

A New Geothermal Idea

Imagine a pipe drilled horizontally through hot rock and laid out in a cicular pattern. Half in the hot rock and the other half on the outside at the surface. Within the pipe is a fluid made up of Buckey-Balls that contain small magnets. The fluid is heated and expands to be presure driven through a series of horseshoe magnets to generate electricity. Feasible or not? My discussions with my Bing AI says, yes! 1/13/2024


If farmers cut fertilizer use by 30% and ranchers cut herd sizes by 50% there will be less food to go around and higher prices for the food that remains. Such policies are inflationary and genocidal and should be avoided.

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