bell II field trip pictures

Geology Everywhere

The Bear Glacier is melting. Here is a picture (left) taken in 2008. Notice the barren rock to the right, just above the melt water. The glacier use to be much thicker and since melting, no trees have grown in that area. It hasn't been too long ago since it started melting. This barren ground and the rate at which trees grow in this part of the world is evidence of how fast this melting is happening. To the (right) is a ptcture of another glacier in the area. It too shows evidence of recent melting. The Bear Glacier is about 25 klm east of the town of Stewart, British Columbia.



The Bear Glacier (left) and another glacier (right) a bit further down the road towards Stewart.



Here's another glacier in the same area as the Bear Glacier. It's higher up in the same range of mountains that occur just to the east of the town of Stewart. It's visible from the highway leading into Stewart.



Here are another couple of glaciers, about 3 to 4 kilometers to the west of the Bear Glacier and high up in the canyons that overlook the road leading into the town of Stewart.



Some autum colors and the town of Stewart, B.C.


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